Do you follow me on social media? Based on my current number of followers, you might not even know I’m active on social media.
In fact, lots of my ideal clients – including some of my current clients – have no clue I’m on social.
And, that’s okay with me!
Because the success of my business doesn’t hinge on one single platform or strategy.
(and, the success of your business doesn’t either).
Here’s the deal: I’m a successful entrepreneur with very few followers on social media.
I do use social media in my business, and I love engaging there.
But, social isn’t what makes me successful.
What makes me successful is:
✔️ My belief in myself, my offer and my clients (first and foremost)
✔️ My ability to connect with people (on and offline, and in a variety of ways)
✔️ My willingness to try, fail and learn (because that’s Entrepreneurship 101)
I show up via email, on my blog, in snail mail, in person, for referral conversations, for coffee chats.
I meet potential clients in line at the coffee shop, through current and former clients, when I give a speech, at community events, by joining and participating in groups I genuinely enjoy being in.
And, yes, I show up and meet potential clients on social media.
All of this together creates clients for me.
Social media isn’t the silver bullet.
I love connecting on social, but I spend very little time stressing and spinning out over the number of followers I have.
Instead of worrying about a number, I’m focused on serving everyone who is here now … all while knowing others will come.
Friend, don’t get caught up on one metric, methodology or way of doing something.
The tactic/platform/delivery method isn’t the magic.
You are.
Always have been; always will be.