As a recovering perfectionist and over-doer, I’ve learned a lesson so incredibly valuable, it completely changed me.
It changed how I define success, how and where I spend my time and energy, how much fulfillment I get out of life … and the list could go on.
Here’s the lesson …
You can do anything (including completely changing your life for the better) one, imperfect step at a time.
Here’s why this lesson is so valuable.
As a perfectionist and over-doer, my brain always wanted me to accomplish …
… All the things
… All the time
… All the way
… And perfectly perfect
It was exhausting and defeating.
When I thought that way, I showed up that way.
And, one of two things ALWAYS happened in my life:
I would white-knuckle and over-work my way into something that felt perfect. Then I would collapse from exhaustion. But, I’d never really rest because my brain would go back to work trying to tell me that my ‘perfect’ outcome/product/project was actually very flawed (No rest for the ‘perfect’).
Or …
I would quit the minute I struggled to do all the things (and do them perfectly). Because, in my mind, something feeling hard and uncomfortable meant I was going to fail.
So, in my best case scenario, I constantly found myself exhausted, depleted and still feeling defeated. And, in my worst case scenario, I would quit before I ever gave myself a chance to succeed.
Then, came this lesson. And, believe me, it stuck around until I learned it!
Learning this lesson (and how to apply it in my life) felt like I was removing 10 boulders off of my back.
It felt like I could breathe. Like I could actually be proud of my work. It felt like I could survive feeling uncomfortable … including the uncomfortable lessons that come with failure.
Learning this lesson showed me I can balance my life, choose my thoughts, regulate my feelings, and become more fulfilled.
The way I’m meant to be.
With this lesson, I consistently ask myself one and only one question:
What’s the next best step that will get me closer to where I want to go?
Not – what are the next 100 things I MUST do.
Not – what is the next perfect thing I NEED to do.
Simply, what is the next best step?
It’s a powerful question that emerged from a powerful lesson in my life.
So, friend …
If you are struggling with doing all the things – and trying to do them perfectly – I invite you to answer my question:
What is the next best step that will get you closer to where you want to go?
The answer to that question is all that is required of you in order to get there.
The answer to that question will illuminate your path to joy, success and fulfillment.
The answer to that question will show you the power of imperfect action.
Because consistent, imperfect action beats ‘perfect’, over-worked action …
Download your free Ultimate Life Upgrade Workbook to gain clarity, create balance, and design a life you love.This workbook is designed to help you visualize and evaluate your satisfaction with the nine key areas of your life so you have more of what you want … now.